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Health benefits of Beleric – Baheda | Indian Natural Medicine

Ayurvedic view of Beleric – Baheda

Terminalia belerica or so-called Baheda is widely used in Ayurveda, Siddha, Chinese’s medicine, etc. According to Charaka Samhita (Ancient Indian Scripture), Baheda is known as “Vibheetaki” which means fear. Here the name “Vibheetaki” is termed as one who keeps you away from disease. The Fruit is bitter in taste with astringent, analgesic, expectorant, laxative with brain tonic in nature.

It is a fruit that increases dryness of tissues and is a lite to digest. It has an astringent (Kashaya Rasa) taste and gets a sweet (Madhura Rasa) taste after digestion. Besides this, it is hot in potency and boosts metabolism and normalizes all three doshas specially reduces kapha.

Baheda Plant Properties And Uses

Tree Bark: The bark of the Baheda plant is mildly diuretic and is useful in anaemia and leucoderma.

Unripe Fruits: are anti-inflammatory, antihelmintic, expectorant, ophthalmic, antipyretic and antiemetic. Fruits are useful in cough, asthma, bronchitis, dropsy, dyspepsia, cardiac disorders, skin diseases, leprosy, ulcer and myocardial depressive activity

Ripe Fruits: used as astringent in combination with chebulic myrobalan (Terminalia chebula) and phyllantus emblica as the famous Triphala drug of Ayurveda. Fruits are also useful in eye diseases and scorpion sting

Benefits of Thandrikkai (Beleric):-

  • It Help in Weight Loss
  • It Removes Acne and Ulcers
  • It Prevents Hair Loss
  • It is Helpful in Constipation
  • It prevents Cough and Cold

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